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  • pani_6
    03-25 02:08 PM
    I am hoping to travel via emirates to bangalore..I have avoided other airlines due to transit visa issues...any experince using Emirates??.

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  • greencardvow
    07-20 08:22 PM
    Does anyone know what happens when the original hard copy of PERM is lost. Can one file 140 with just the copy that you can get online from DOL site

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  • satyasaich
    06-29 09:46 AM
    My friend

    What else we lose if we stand up the plate to express some legitimate concerns?

    Most of the members of this forum (and so many more) have already lost the prime time of their lives because we just followed the path of playing by rules.

    Unless some compelling personal reasons, i do not see any thing wrong to raise the voice

    Yes, once "They" identify "You" the consequences can be severe.:rolleyes:
    Beware! Big Brother is watching.

    That is the reason I didn't support the US soccer team at World Cup.
    US team is so unpopular in Europe :p Given a choice between popularity and doing the right thing, I guess popularity always wins :D

    Hilarious! Couldn't resist :o

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  • Princess Ariel certainly knows

  • telekinesis
    10-20 07:52 AM
    Get the educational version! Much cheaper and is fully functional!


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  • Disney Princess Ariel Bath

  • prem_goel
    04-17 04:19 PM
    You can file a small claim in the county your employer is based at for not paying you your salary. That way, the document becomes a public record. If in future anyone wants to see if there were any lawsuits filed against your employer, it'll show up.

    The small claim trials are also held rather quickly, like within 30-45 days from the day you file. The filing fees are usually minimal. It depends on your county. Usually those are also recoverable, along with the time you spent on filing it.

    I guess I am stressing this since these cases are public records and a copy is sent to the libraries of high court/supreme court here.

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  • Disney Princess Sparkle Baby

  • msyedy
    02-12 01:57 PM

    Yes I am guilty. I am one of those Lazy fence sitters caught in reto that peruses this forum on a daily basis looking for for some glimmer of hope.
    Silently i cross my fingers and hope that IV will get something done for us but guilty of doing nothing to help. Sound familiar?

    Let me start by saying that i became a member and watched this forum for over 6 months and did nothing to contribute (whether financially or physically). I'm lazy and theres nothing i can do about it - thats my personality. We all have busy lives and we all have personal agendas and unless we are affected by something directly, we choose the path of least resistance.

    something changed for me last month. I dont know what it was, since it was nothing physical, personal, familial or anything tangible. I was reading the IV website posts "as normal" and while i read all the posts on funding drives, increasing members, those brillant NJ chapter folks etc I was ashamed at how little i was doing towards a cause that had a direct impact on my life and how a small group of people could be so passsionate about the same interest. I was also surprised at the number of mainly Indian professionals in the US who were caught in this mess but at the difficulty that IV was having getting people to get off their a** and do something.

    COME ON PEOPLE - even if we are lazy, self centered, and busy lets at least show that the Indian "minority" in the US is at least a UNITED and PROUD lot. We cant let IV down for a few dollars. "Izzat ki Sawal Hai"

    Well, i thought about it, and thought some more..... and decided i was still as lazy as i was before even after my ephiphany, but i could definitely manage a few clicks with my mouse. So i decided, If can't do anything physical (like pass flyers, meet in DC to help Core, start some fangled chapter locally, or harass my local congresman) then at least i could pass on some financial contribution so that somebody could do it for me!
    So this is what i did

    a) - setup a $20 recurring contribution (Yes its $20 - I'm cheap and so are a lot of you - but $20 is better than nothing - its less than a dinner at a restaurant).
    b) forwarded the website info to a few of my collegues at work and told them what i did.

    I have not made any earth shattering differences by my actions, but at least im doing SOMETHING. This, coming from one of the laziest members definitely should mean something to all of you.

    If you cant contribute your time, at least send some money so someone else can do it for you! Also please stop harrassing IV on where the funds are going - its $20 per month for Christ's sake, not your family inheritance. Let's try and make a difference one way or another. Our national pride is at stake here.


    I am lazy and may be more lazy then anyone. Good to hear from a new enthusiastic person.

    Your enthu will go away soon.


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  • Princess Ariel Wallpaper by Me

  • looneytunezez
    06-17 12:51 PM
    But after thinking a bit more - i now understand your plan. Your list of questions may impress the infopass immigration officer, and the officer may recommend that you should be hired by USCIS as an IO, given that you are more familiar than him/her with the immigration process. Once you are hired, you plan to approve your own GC?

    Great plan....i think i might recommend this to someone!

    2010 Ariel Wallpaper - Disney disney princesses ariel. Disney Princess Ariel
  • Disney Princess Ariel

  • StuckInTheMuck
    07-11 06:26 PM
    Where was your finger printing? Did you talk to any IO there? My EAD FP is scheduled and I will try to utilize the chance if possible.
    It was in Jacksonville (FL). When I was called inside for EAD FP, I gave the lady (who was taking the FP) a copy of my I485 receipt notice, and told her that I still haven't got FP notice for that, even after 11 months (I am a July 2 filer). She briefly talked to her superior (it seemed they are well aware of this issue), took the code-3 (combining code-2 for EAD and code-1 for I485) biometrics for me and my wife, and stamped on both our original EAD notice and the I485 receipt copy. She also told me to ignore the separate I485 FP notice that will be mailed to me (apparently the machine generates this notice automatically when my file is accessed, but haven't got it yet).


    disney princesses ariel. The Little Mermaid, Ariel
  • The Little Mermaid, Ariel

  • roseball
    11-14 10:43 AM
    If you are coming back to US to work for the same H1 employer, then re-entering on AP does not invalidate your H1. Yes, after coming back you can file for a H1 COE petition.

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  • nandakumar
    01-18 07:50 PM


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  • singhsa3
    11-15 09:15 AM
    Voting is not enough please post your suggestion also.

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  • a_tyagi26
    02-02 12:10 PM

    This mean from the date this bill gets enacted, one should stay in USA for five years continuously.

    It's impossible, atleast for me. I can't even think that I won't be able to go to India for 5 years. It would be a torture on my soul. This kind of clause works for an un-documented immigrant, who don't have a choice to leave but not for legal immigrant.

    What my company tell me to go to another country say some Brazil to implement project and infrastructure and I had to stay 2 months? Then I have to start afresh ?

    I believe you need more than 6months of stay for it to be called as continous presence. Anyone shed some light.


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  • disneyland princess ariel

  • karanp25
    06-16 11:57 PM
    LOL...that's the best reply you could come up with? "You are not looking for experiences but relevant information" - what else could be more relevant than an experience?

    BTW, that isn't my experience, but it may very well be yours given that the list of questions you have are rather irritating.

    Do you really think your anxiety and you tracking every step (name check, BG check, assignment to officer...blah blah) of you GC will really get you the GC faster? I seriously doubt that.

    But after thinking a bit more - i now understand your plan. Your list of questions may impress the infopass immigration officer, and the officer may recommend that you should be hired by USCIS as an IO, given that you are more familiar than him/her with the immigration process. Once you are hired, you plan to approve your own GC? Isn't that true?

    I am impressed.

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  • Ariel Wallpaper

  • delhirocks
    12-18 06:45 PM
    When I took a cruise last year (Carnival) one of my stops was Cozumel. We were there for around 12 hours. We did not have a mexican visa, did not have to go through Mexican immigration.
    I spoke to Mexican consulate official, and he conforimed that I do not need a Mexican visa (as long as I have a valid American non-b1/b2 visa) if I am staying in Mexico for less than 72 hours. Carnival also did not require a visa.
    They do that for some other stops.


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  • Disney Princess Ariel And

  • cagcwait
    02-21 05:00 PM
    Info posted by BerkeleyBee in a different thread. This should be in the Resources section..

    ************************************************** ********

    BerkeleyBee's post in CA - Meet the Lawmakers thread
    Meeting with Dianne Feinstein's staff


    Feb 15, 2006

    Today, four members of IV met with 3 staffers from Dianne Feinstein�s office in San Francisco.
    Two constituent services representatives, who deal with immigration problems on a daily basis (helping people with labor cert, I-140, I-485, security check etc problems) and one assistant field representative who interfaces with the Senator�s staff in DC on a whole host of issues.

    We spent 1.5 hours with them. We went through our presentation, answering questions and giving examples all the way. Then we spent some time talking about how they could help us, suggestions about what IV should do, and how we could work with them. All in all it was an excellent meeting � they were riveted through out � asked lots of questions and were very supportive.


    1.Getting the Word Out to Lawmakers

    � They all said they learned a lot from our presentation � the people who deal with immigration problems on a nitty gritty daily level didn�t know the big picture on legal immigration, and the field representative didn�t know anything about the particular problems of legal EB immigrants.
    � The field representative said she had had three meeting with immigration related groups that day already, and that the Senator�s staff has been hearing about immigration a lot BUT this was the first time she was hearing about legal skilled immigrants!!
    � They thought our goals were reasonable and that they would be supportive. They thought we should reach out to as many other lawmakers as possible

    BOTTOM LINE: Do you want favorable legislation not to pass simply because people didn�t know about our problems??? No! We need to get the word out.


    � They repeatedly said they were impressed with our presentation (go check it out).
    � They liked the fact that we had an easy to read table which showed which of the current bills addressed some of our goals.
    � They liked the fact that we printed and bound two copies of the presentation to give them.
    � We also gave them copies of our tri-fold brochure
    � We also gave them a number tabbed, bound copy of the following

    -Must Read Documents on Legal Skilled Immigration

    a) CIS Ombudsman's Report:

    b) GAO Report on Backlogs at USCIS

    c) Exec Summary of NAS Rising Above a Gathering Storm

    d) How Visa Date Cutoffs Are Established from July 2000 Bulletin

    e) President�s Economic Report: Chapter 2: Skills for the U.S. Workforce.

    3.Action Items
    � We decided to keep in touch � I will follow up on the feedback they get from the Senator�s DC staffers.
    � They wanted to know more about how our meetings with other lawmakers are going.
    � I offered to act as source of facts and examples for their office on these issues � since I have read the relevant documents and data carefully.
    � They suggested that we keep reaching out to members of the House � especially those who are in states without a lot of tech sector firms � those are the people who are least likely to know about our existence, let alone our problems.

    BOTTOM LINE: I will keep in touch with all three, sharing talking points and getting feedback.

    4. Lessons for future meetings with lawmakers/ Lessons for other states
    � Do not be intimidated by the idea of initiating a meeting with the staffers of lawmaker � they do this all the time, and are friendly, easy to talk to, it is their job to listen to you� just put yourselves in the mindset of someone telling a story to a friendly audience.
    � Get organized, print and bind copies of the presentation and additional docs listed above to give to them.
    � Do a dry run of the talk, so that you build a narrative patter to go with the slides � this worked really well in this meeting.
    � Whenever possible use examples from the experience of the IV members present to illustrate the point in the slide � for example when we were doing the I-485 Life with and Without Slide, we used Ollie and Neha�s experiences with layoffs and partner not being able to work
    � Ask how you can follow up with them, what they would like you to do
    � Write to thank them for their time and reiterate your basic points

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  • HV000
    08-10 08:47 PM
    Reforms To Visa Programs For Highly Skilled Workers.

    22. The Administration Will Reform And Expedite Background Checks For Immigration. Current mechanisms for conducting immigration background checks are backed up, slowing processing times and endangering national security. The Administration is investing substantial new funds to address the backlog, and the FBI and USCIS are working together on a variety of projects designed to streamline existing processes so as to reduce waiting times without sacrificing security.
    23. The President Is Directing The Department Of Homeland Security And The Social Security Administration To Study The Technical And Recordkeeping Reforms Necessary To Guarantee That Illegal Aliens Do Not Earn Credit In Our Social Security System For Illegal Work. Currently, aliens who make Social Security payments while working here legally can continue to accrue credits even if they overstay their visa. Improved data-sharing can lay the foundation for eventual Congressional action to eliminate this practice (which proved an obstacle to comprehensive reform). The relevant agencies are ordered to report to the President with a detailed plan for eliminating the problem.

    The funny thing is ONLY now they are thinking about their JOB RESPONSIBILITIES which is to UPHOLD the Law!! However, they have not specified ANY TIMELINE for REFORM!!

    SEPTEMBER Rally would be ideal to raise these issues!

    1. Eliminate EB Backlog
    2. Processing Timeline for I-485
    3. Faster processing of FBI Name Check(Questionable process according to USCIS OMBUDSMAN)
    4. Uniform Processing Methodology across all USCIS Service Centers
    5. Uniform Level of Customer Service across all USCIS Service Centers
    6. Increase Coordination between USCIS and DOS
    7. Allocation of ALL VISA Numbers by DOS at the beginning of fiscal year rather than a piece meal allocation during the first 3 quarters.
    8. More Transparency and flexibility in invoking AC21
    9. Decrease the time to invoke AC21 from 6 months to atleast 3 months


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  • dixie
    11-06 04:43 PM
    It doesnt matter whether the clients of the employer are for-profit or not (obviously). The only thing relevant is whether or not the organization for which your wife will work is classified as not-for-profit.

    My Wife, if everything works out, will be working in a Finance related field for a Health Care related service providing financial services to many many hospitals.

    I was wondering if I could use the Heallth care angle for the H1b Non Cap

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  • syedajmal
    11-03 11:17 AM
    If this is a possible solution, have your Mother-in-Law visit Canada temporarily for a few day and have her come back to US. I am just floating this idea for discussuion.

    Visiting Canada doesn't help to extend the visa stamp. My in-laws tried it in August.

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  • ariel sketch by

  • chanduv23
    09-14 03:23 PM
    He is the best - I am at work - but will listen to the radio.

    Way to go logiclife - we are with you

    01-27 02:39 PM
    I am an optimist. A hopeful person. I like to and want to see the positive side of things. However, the current political climate and economic state of the nation makes me skeptical.

    Much has been said and (not) done so far about immigration reform. The murphy's law half of my brain is starting to get queasy. I've been in this mess for 6 years now and dread the doomsday scenario that immigration reform doesn't go through this year. If it does not, I think we're all completely effed up for the next 3-4 years, at least until after the next elections. I hope to be wrong on this, by a long shot.

    My question to some of you is - what will you do if skilled reform doesn't happen this year?

    My career has been stagnating, rotting away almost. I've been working on a startup idea in my spare time for a while now. Of course, these sort of ventures need time and full-time effort to take-off. I have often entertained the thought of leaving my job, returning back to India, or finding some way, by hook or crook, of doing my own thing, and reviving my career. Having lived here, first as a grad student, and now as a wage slave, for the past 9 years, returning is not an easy option. If reform does not happen, I don't see anything but darkness for a pretty long time.

    What will you do?

    06-18 04:04 PM
    Under Part 3.

    What should one put for
    1. Nonimmigrant Visa number
    2. Date Visa Issued
    3. Consulate Where Visa was Issued.

    I'm currently on a valid H1 extension with a valid I-94. My current visa on passport has expired. Anybody any ideas????

    1.Non immigrant visa number : put the number on the expired H1B stamp (in red color).Do not put the control number
    2.whenever the expired visa was issued
    3.whereever it was issued.

    I assume you renewed your H1b eventhough you'r H1b stamp expired.

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